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首页 - 企业大全 - 潮安县东凤红星医疗设备厂

潮安县东凤红星医疗设备厂是一家集设计、生产不锈钢医疗设备的专业生产企业。自创办以来积累了丰富的生产经验,拥有大量的专业技术人员。在各大医疗单位的支持下不断引进的生产设备提升了企业的生产能力。企业的管理水平也在不断的提升,产品技术含量也得到了很大的提高。 本厂生产的红星牌手术室、急救室、诊疗室的设备及器具、病房护理的设备及器具和实验室的设备信器具等两大系列产品,以精湛工艺、新颖的造型、优质的价格畅销全国各地,赢得各单位的信赖和赞誉。 热诚欢迎全国各地的新老客户前来洽谈业务,真诚合作、共同发展。
Tide the factory of peaceful county east popular actor medical treatment equipments is a profession for gathering the design, producing the stainless steel medical treatment the equipments to produce the business enterprise.Since establishment backlog abundant production experience, own the large quantity's profession technical personnel.Under the support of the each and big medical treatment unit continuously the production equipments usher inning promoted the business enterprise's production ability.The business enterprise's management level too at continuously of promote, and the product technique contained to measure to also got very big exaltation. My plant popular actor that produces operating room, first aid the equipments and tool of the equipments and tool, sickroom nursing of the room, examination room is with the laboratory's equipments letter tool etc. two greatest series product, with the price that craft, novel shape, superior quality be sold very well the national every locality, and win each unit of in reliance on with. The new and old customer that zeal welcome the national every locality comes to talk over the business, sincerity of cooperation, common developments.

  • 所在地:广东企业 - 潮州市
陈远群 13509894328
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