浙江德清杭翔玻璃制品有限公司座落于千年古镇━━浙江省德清县新市镇,距风景秀丽的杭州50公里,紧邻桐德公路和京杭大运河,申嘉湖杭高速,毗邻沪杭高速和杭宁高速,水陆交通便捷。现有职工200余人,是一家以先进玻璃厂技术、生产、营销骨干为主体组建的私营股份制企业。 公司占地18600平方米,建筑面积10800平方米,总投资1000万元。拥有30平方米和26平方米玻璃池窑各一座,有六组单滴行列机生产线4条,一供三手工机生产线1条和人工甏口生产线2条,还有相匹配的供电、供水、供汽、供气系统。中、高档白料和棕色料玻璃制品的年产能力近3万吨,主要产品有白酒瓶、黄酒瓶、啤酒瓶、输液瓶、食品瓶、饮料瓶、营养液瓶、药瓶、试剂瓶和烛台等300余个品种,并可根据用户需要进行设计、生产及制品的深加工与精加工,产品除满足国内需求外,有近20%出口美、日、加及东南亚等国家与地区。 公司注重技术进步和企业管理,采用了先进的玻璃瓶内表面富硅处理技术、制品热端蒸涂和冷端喷涂技术,采用了无氟节能高性能玻璃配方,并具有完整的检测设备与手段,有较强的产品开发能力,建立有完善的质量管理体系和服务体系,取得了玻璃输液瓶生产许可证,取得了自营进出口权,通过了ISO9001:2000质量管理体系认证,在历次质量抽查中,无论是外观质量,还是理化性能均较优异,成为浙江省同行中的佼佼者。 Deqing Hangxiang Glass Products Co.,Ltd., located in Xinshi, an ancient town with 1,000 years’ history in Deqing county, Zhejiang province, enjoys convenient communication by water and land. Boasting a staff of over 200, it is a private shareholding enterprise endowed with advanced technology and manufacturing &marketing talents. With a total investment of RMB 10 million, now the company covers 18,600 m in land and 10,800 m in building. Equipped with 2 sites of glass tank furnaces, 4 IS machine production lines, 1 hand-driven machine production line and 2 man-made pot production lines, it specializes in producing high and medium-grade flint and amber bottles, such as liquor bottles, yellow wine bottles, beer bottles, infusion bottles, food jars, drink bottles, nourishing liquid bottles, drug bottles, reagent bottles, candlesticks and etc. The annual output of these products appro...